Sunday, January 28, 2007


This will most probably be repeated over and over again, but here goes.

August 3 with the Last Chance Qualifier
Most probably a draft as a side event

August 4 and 5 will see the European Championships
Saturday August 4 will see some type of contructed tournament as a sideevent

Sunday August 5 should have two tournaments apart from the main one.

After the regular Championships we'll continue with V:TES in the Sun, one week of V:TES and slacking.

Monday has pickup games at our regular pub. Those are our weekly pubgames.

I'm not clear which weekdays we'll run tornaments, but we WILL host another two before Saturday.

Saturday is the time for our monthly standard constructed.

Sunday we'll run another tournament. Probably an unsanctioned format.

Monday is once again the day for our weekly pubgames.

So, get here. Enjoy the EC and stay a week for more V:TES and summer when it's at its best.


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